Adeus Brasil, hola Bolivia.
I was very lucky as I was able to buy a ticket for the overnight train to Santa Cruz within an hour of its departure (guide book said this is tough to achieve!).
The train is known as the Death Train, and I can confirm it as the most uncomfortable train ride I have ever done. It runs on narrow gauge tracks, never acheives more that 40 to 50 mph, and bumps, rocks and jolts its passengers constantly. How I slept through this constant battering I do not know!
Santa Cruz is Bolivia's largest city, but still seems a pretty chilled out place. The hostel I stayed in has two pet toucans, who love to accept fruit from your breakfast plate. Did some shopping (new jeans to replace the ones that ripped and died) plus a good haircut.
Off now to Amboro national park. Couldnt get to Noel Kempff national park as planned as the heavy rains earlier this years have knocked out the road that accesses this remote area.