Enjoyed a good old fashioned British Sunday roast dinner at the Peal O'Bells pub in Holt with a couple of close friends, who were unable to party with me on Friday night. This was washed down with a pint of very tasty real ale. Boy will I miss pubs and real beers, maybe I should cancel............Maybe not!
Emboldened by my pint I then went over to Mold to call my first quarter peal on 8 bells (only managed up to 6 previously).
Here's the entry in Campanophile (the ringers online database).
Mold, Flintshire
St Mary the Virgin
Sunday, 4 March 2007 in 44mins
1288 Middlesex Bob Triples
1 Abigail McLeod
2 Gregory Morris
3 Elspeth Parry
4 Maryan Jenner
5 Herbert Heaton
6 John R. Williams
7 Clive Culley (c)
8 Fred Miers
-First as conductor on 8 - 7
Rung by a Mold Sunday service band for Evensong as a farewell to Clive Culley who is going to South America for a Year to learn Yorkshire Surprise.
Roger Howes was away that day but would want to be associated with this QP.
Thanks to all my fellow ringers for staying on their blue lines during this nerve wracking 44 minutes, and for not thinking one of my coughs was a bob. Also thanks to Roger for sharing the calling.