At 4am on the Wednesday thinking the sea sounds a lot louder. Well it sure did, for the wind was very strong and getting stronger.
At 5am I could sleep no more as the noise was quite something. I made a cup of coffee, and sat in my lounge listening to the growing storm. The hut ctreaked in the unrelenting wind. As it got light I looked out to the rough seas watching spray dance accross the bay.
Mt feet ached a little from the hike the day before, so it was a great morning to do very little and just enjoy the isolation in the bad weather.
In the afternoon once the storm hads passed I went walking up Lord Anson's valley, to look at more indigenous greenery. The wind was still strong and the clouds low, so a good day for being in the forest.
Here's a pic of the ginger cat who kept me company whilst I was pottering about in my shed (interior pic)