The story behind the island was what activated interest, and when I knew it had stunning scenery as well, my mind was made up to try to come. I guess everybody dreams of beautiful islands, and the life that could be had there. The 600 odd people who live here certainly ooze an inner happiness. They were so friendly.
It was one of those places that you really did not want to bump into other travellers, and apart from a tiny number of mainland Chilean tourists, I met no one. On my walks around the island I would rarely see another soul. I was the only foreigner there at that time.
The island only gets about a 1000 tourist visitors per year. Many of these are friends and family of island inhabitants. Fishing for the local huge langoustines is the main activity, and this season lasts only 6 months.
It was great to see so many young people living on the islands, and lots of young people. In many parts of the world, islands are just the bolts holes for the older generation, but here there are people of all ages.
On the plane back I spoke to an islander I recognised. He worked as a guide for tourists and also worked for the Chilean national park service. He spotted a newspaper, and said to me "I{ve not seen one of those in months, it will be full of bullshit, just like the last newspaper I read one year ago" He was travelling for a wedding in Santiago. He was looking forward to his week in the big bad world, but was also looking forward to getting home to his island.
I loved it there, realy did not want to leave. I wanted the weather to be bad so the plane could not take me away.
At the airstip the same pilot who flew me to the island, tipped me off to sit on the left. Here is just one of the photos I took from the plane.
Adios Isla Robinson Crusoe, hasta luego espere.